An Introduction to Plate and Shell Structures

In this section, we’ll start by clearly defining the types of structures we want to study, and outline the assumptions and limitations that will apply to everything we discuss throughout the course.

With the limits established, we’ll briefly consider the role of plate and shell structures in the built environment - in particular, we’ll touch on the long history and evolution of shell structures throughout the centuries.

This historical context really emphasises how foundational shell structures have been to the built environment for the last 2000 years…from the Pantheon in Rome to today’s large elaborate roof shells.

Next, we’ll consider the fundamental load resistance mechanisms of plates and shells and how, when designed efficiently, to best utilise their geometry, they both carry loads is fundamentally different ways.

The second half of this section focuses on geometry and curvature in particular. Without a clear understanding of curvature, we can’t further our understanding of the underlying mechanics since it’s through the study of geometry that we acquire the tools and vocabulary to work with curved surface structures.

By the end of this section, you’ll have a conceptual understanding of how plates and shells resist transverse loading, you’ll be familiar with the relevant terminology used in their analysis and you’ll be able to classify shell structures based on their principal curvatures.